Home » Hay Now! Horse Water Trough – In-Fence Edit

Hay Now! Horse Water Trough – In-Fence Edit

by SimGuru
Hay Now! Horse Water Trough - In-Fence Edit

Hay Now! Horse Water Trough – In-Fence Edit I was investigating how the EAxis water troughs and feeders worked and found I could change the position that the horse accesses them from by rotating the like slot point thingies. Anyway someone saw my test and requested an upload to use in between pasture fences. I made sure to test that it would indeed work if horses were blocked off from the other side and they do indeed work exactly as you’d hope. It also blocks their pathing like a fence would. So I moved the water spigot to the side of it, and walla. To use it you’ll need to chop a 2 block hole out of your fence and place it in the gap. Horse Ranch Required Non-default (doesn’t replace the other water trough) Includes default texture swatches

WickedWhims Mod and Animations

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